Air Quality

Our air quality and odour assessments determine the suitability of proposed sites and the possible air quality impacts that your project may have.

Where necessary, we will advise on the correct level of mitigation required in the scheme design. We encourage early engagement with design teams, engineers and planners to ensure beneficial air quality outcomes, and look to integrate new technologies and monitoring techniques into our studies where they will assist our clients’ aims. Our assessments are designed to provide best value to our clients, ranging from high-level screening studies to bespoke assessments for site-specific constraints.

Our wide range of services include:

Air Quality Assessment and Odour Assessment

Our air quality and odour assessments determine the suitability of potential sites and the potential air quality impacts that your project may have. Where necessary, we will advise on the correct level of mitigation required in the scheme design.


Air Quality and Odour Assessments and support for planning applications


Screening, scoping and Environmental Statement (ES) air quality chapters for Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA)


Air Quality and Odour Assessments and support for Environmental Permits


Construction dust assessment and dust management plans


Air Quality Mitigation plans and advice


Odour management plans


Indoor air quality plans


Odour and dust nuisance cases

Enzygo provide specialist consultancy services with respect to air quality and odour; providing technical support for residential, industrial, commercial, energy supply, transport, minerals and waste schemes.

Our Air Quality team has proven experience across a wide range of sectors. We deliver assessments for a wide range of project scales, from single property residential development to large scale industrial development, waste handling or mineral extraction. Our team can provide detailed relevant advice and solutions to produce a sustainable scheme.

We encourage early engagement with design teams, engineers and planners to ensure beneficial air quality outcomes and look to integrate new technologies and monitoring techniques into our studies where they will assist our clients’ aims. Our assessments are designed to provide best value to our clients, ranging from high level screening studies to bespoke assessments for site-specific constraints.

Dispersion Modelling

The air quality team are experts in dispersion modelling software, allowing us to provide detailed technical support for any project you may have. From stack emissions to roadside pollution and everything in between dispersion modelling uses complex computer techniques to predict the movement and accumulations of pollutants in the atmosphere and their impact at sensitive locations. Enzygo produces easy to interpret and validated pollutant contours at your development site and inform scheme optimisation and design.

Air Quality Monitoring

Enzygo can manage and undertake air quality monitoring programmes that may be required to validate air quality predictions or inform impact assessments. Examples of monitoring projects include.

Diffusion tube surveys

Construction dust monitoring

Field Odour Surveys (sniff tests)

Expert Witness

Drawing on our years of professional experience, our expert witnesses can be used to support both developers and objectors in a variety of forums relating to air quality and pollution issues.

Planning hearing expert witness

Public enquiry expert witness

Planning Committee meeting support

Statutory nuisance case support

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