
We provide a full range of ecological surveys and assessments which are undertaken to a high standard in accordance with current guidance.

Our licensed team, with proven experience in negotiating with statutory consultees and deep understanding of planning policy, are able to tailor mitigation to specific project circumstances. This delivers cost effective solutions whilst also securing planning permissions with minimal conditions.

Preliminary Ecological Appraisal

We provide clear and concise Phase I documentation which includes a full assessment of biological data from the Local Records Centre and discussions with the County Ecologist to determine the scope of any further survey work required prior to planning determination. Recommendations made are proportionate to the level of impact and to the nature and scale of the proposed works.

Phase I Habitat Survey

Ecological Impact Assessment (EcIA)

Preliminary Ecological Appraisal Reporting

Appropriate avoidance, mitigation & compensation measure

Biological Records & Statutory Searches

Protected Species Survey​

Our licensed ecologists undertake a full suite of protected species surveys including: Bat, Badger, Bird, Dormouse, Great Crested Newt, and Reptile in accordance with current guidance and the governing body CIEEM.


GCN Aquatic & Terrestrial Surveys


Badger Sett & Territory Mapping


Reptile Surveys


Dormouse Surveys


Bat Activity, Emergence, Preliminary Assessments

Biodiversity Mitigation Design & Implementation

We undertake biodiversity calculations following the latest DEFRA accounting metrics, and successfully consult with the Environment Bank to secure compensation measures. We also design a range of mitigation strategies and implement these across all types of site, for example bat roosts and GCN exclusion fencing.

GCN fencing & translocation

DEFRA Accounting Metrics

Ecological CEMP & LEMP Management Plans

PWMS & Ecological Clerk Works

Bat soft strip & roost design

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