
Our highly experienced team, including members with a Local Authority background, are fully conversant with the latest market, policy, legislative and case law developments.

We provide our clients with the very best practical and commercial preand post-application advice in order to reach a successful outcome. We have a strong client focus and place emphasis on adding value, innovation and professionalism to achieve positive planning outcomes, meeting both budgets and timescales. With our comprehensive understanding of planning policy and procedures, and by taking a multidisciplinary approach, our clients always receive the right mix of skills and experience to provide creative solutions for even the most complex projects.

Our wide range of services include:

Site Appraisal and Assessment

Our approach to site assessment combines technical rigour with creativity and extensive experience. By undertaking comprehensive appraisals early in the project life, we are more able assess opportunities and minimise potential risk that will help maximise development returns.


Site Search & Selection


Feasibility Studies & Development Appraisals


Land Negotiation & Acquisition


Planning Due Diligence


Indicative Layouts

Planning Applications and Appeals

Our highly experienced team, including members with a Local Authority background, is fully conversant with the latest market, policy, legislative and case law developments that provide our clients with the very best practical and commercial pre- and post-application advice in order to reach a successful outcome.

Pre-application Advice

Planning Application Submissions

Preparing All Application Documentation Including Heritage

Delivering Discharge of Conditions

Planning Appeals/Inquiries & Hearings

Expert Witness at Local Plan Examinations

Stakeholder Management

Key stakeholders are more likely to support the development if they consulted early on in the process. Enzygo has sound experience and success in devising, arranging and managing stakeholder and public consultation programmes that builds trust through genuine, and tailored, engagement.

Design of Consultation Strategy

Prepare Engagement Activity & Collateral

Consultation Reports & Issue Resolution

Liaison & Dialogue with Objectors & Local Politicians

Statements of Community Involvement

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Co-ordination

Using our broad range of technical services, and by liaising early on with relevant authorities, we can identify key issues and incorporate mitigation measures that will reduce the overall environmental impact and lead to successful planning applications.

Planning Policy and Research

We make regular representations, on behalf of our clients, to secure amendments to planning policy and promote the allocation of sites for development. We also provide a site appraisal service, which identifies potential viable land use options as a consequence of adopted or emerging planning policy.

Burial Needs Assessments

Enzygo provides burial needs assessments for local authorities to establish evidence and advise on planning policies and site allocations for emerging Local Development Plans. The studies also explore aspects of burial and religious cultures, the role cemeteries play in terms of green space and ecological benefits of such facilities. Enzygo also has experienced Hydrology, Geo-environmental, Landscape and Ecology teams which can provide greater study of site suitability for new burial facilities.

Burial Needs Assessments can be tailored to each local authority requirements by:


Establishing how local burial resources are utilised by different faith groups and to understand the local funeral market.


Providing a clear supply and demand requirement


Consulting with local community and faith groups on the need for cemetery and cremation spaces.


Identify preferred solutions based on a menu of approaches to intensify use, extend or provide new cemeteries.


Recommend mechanisms to identify potential use of Council-owned sites.


Review information on site suitability.


Policy recommendations.

Many local authorities are running out of burial space. Whilst long term trends continue to ensure over 75 per cent of the dead are cremated, population growth and growth of religions requiring burial, means that the demand for cemetery space within the UK is maintained.

The planning system needs to ensure there is sufficient available land supply within each Local Authority for them to fulfil their duty as burials authorities. Whilst the importance of providing enough burial land and cemetery plots is abundantly clear, it is often overlooked and neglected in planning terms and often reviewed once in a generation.

Enzygo has recent experience in preparing burial needs assessments which are used to provide evidence for planning polices and site allocations for emerging Local Development Plans. These include studies for Harborough District Council (award-winning study), Northampton Borough Council and London Borough of Enfield Council and we are currently preparing a new Burial Needs Assessment for another Local Authority.

Local Authority areas vary considerably in terms of their population size, demographics (such as religious population percentage, age cohorts), spatial area and the environmental constraints for both existing and potential new burial sites. Through the previous studies, Enzygo have established a successful methodological approach whilst considering the needs and requirements for each Local Authority.

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