
Our Acoustics team has proven UK and international experience across a wide range of sectors.

Whatever the size of the development, from single property residential development to large scale industrial development or open-cast mines, our team can provide detailed relevant advice to produce a sustainable scheme. Our specialist advice can help reduce noise and vibration impact at, or within, residential dwellings, offices and workplaces. We can also integrate designs from other environmental disciplines to provide a coherent solution at all stages of development.

Our wide range of services include:

Noise and Vibration Assessment

We provide comprehensive technical assistance to scheme developers, architects, planners and land agents by assessing the noise impacts on existing and future sensitive receptors, helping to define developable areas and identify site constraints, whilst also designing inherent mitigation. We also work with clients to reduce noise emissions from new, existing or expanding sites, demonstrating compliance with relevant standards.


Technical support for planning applications


EIA screening and scoping reports


Environmental Statements


Planning/permit condition advice and evidencing


Noise management plans

Noise and Vibration Measurement

We employ a wide range of monitoring equipment for environmental noise surveys, operated by our fully trained and experienced Technicians and Consultants. We also carry out construction noise, dust and vibration monitoring as well as compliance monitoring for industrial and mining sites.  

– Baseline environmental noise & vibration surveys

– Construction noise, dust and vibration monitoring services

– Compliance monitoring

3D Noise Modelling

Our acousticians have significant experience with the latest software packages to assist in the assessment of internal and external acoustic. Predictive software can help assess the feasibility of development sites, or the effectiveness of a variety of mitigation measures to allow the client to undertake a cost-benefit analysis. Furthermore, we can provide clear imagery of noise contours to illustrate your plans.

- Layout optimisation

- Detailed and outline noise mitigation design

Detailed Acoustic Design

We undertake site-specific advice during detailed design of buildings. This includes glazing and other façade treatments, partition floor/wall modelling, reverberation times and speech intelligibility calculations as well as general design support, and technical advice, to architects, contractors and planners.

Glazing specification

Partition design and testing

Industrial building design and performance

Schools, healthcare and music venues

Building Acoustics

Our experienced acousticians enable us to support the wider project team as your building project progresses through each stage of development from plan to completion. Working with designers, developers, architects, project engineers and clients, Enzygo’s acoustics team use our experience and expertise, backed by the latest computer software such as CadnaA, Insul and proprietary room acoustics software to ensure even the most complex projects meet the noise design requirements for external noise intrusion, sound insulation and room acoustics.





Office spaces


Mixed use developments

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