Geo - Environmental

Our Geo-environmental team provide a full range of geotechnical and geoenvironmental services throughout the UK.

We provide clear and concise Phase I documentation, which includes a full assessment of biological data from the Local Records Centre and discussions with the County Ecologist, to determine the scope of any further survey work required prior to planning determination. Recommendations made are proportionate to the level of impact and to the nature and scale of the proposed works.

Ground Investigation

A flood risk assessment is required for any development over one hectare, or which sits within the flood zones as defined by the Environment Agency, SEPA, or Natural Resources Wales. They are designed to make sure development is guided to the lowest flood risk areas, thereby protecting property and people from the dangers of flooding. They are often a requirement for validation of a planning application or to better inform owners/prospective purchasers of the flood risk to their land and buildings.

Interpretative reports

Desk studies

Coal mining assessments

Site investigation & monitoring

Contamination Risk Assessment

We undertake contamination assessments ranging from simple Tier I assessments to Detailed Quantitative Risk Assessments for both human health and controlled waters. We undertake the latter assessments in close collaboration with our specialist Water Science Team.

Human health risk assessments

Controlled waters risk assessments.

Ground gas risk assessments

Materials Management Plans

Preparation of technical chapters to environmental statements

Holistic Approach

Our key staff have extensive experience with multidisciplinary projects and we so understand the inter-relationship between the Geo-environmental aspects of a scheme and associated considerations such as ecology, drainage, engineering design and SuDS.


We are often able to ‘risk-out’ significant contamination aspects to deliver best value for a scheme. Where remediation is necessary we can provide Remedial Method Statements, Validation Monitoring and preparation of Verification Reports to discharge Planning Conditions. Where appropriate, we can also provide Materials Management Plans (MMP) for re-use of soils as part of a remedial/enabling earthworks.

Preparation of remedial methodologies

Validation inspection & testing

Preparation of verification reports

Materials Management Plans (MMP)

Geotechnical Design

Our team includes Chartered Engineers and Geologists with extensive experience of geotechnical assessments for foundations, earth retaining structures, slope stability and earthworks design. We also have specialists who are experienced in undertaking Basement Impact Assessments and providing remedial designs for sites impacted by underground mining.

Foundation assessments

Slope stability assessments

Preparation of earthworks specifications

Basement impact assessments

Construction works monitoring & verification

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