We are pleased to confirm that last night Enzygo won the Award for plan-making for our Harborough District Council “Cemetery and Burial Strategy for the Future” study at the 2018 Planning Awards at Savoy Place in London. Another very good night for Enzygo and congratulations to...

Honouring the dead with peaceful last resting places is important in Britain’s modern multi-faith and secular society. Unfortunately, our ancient churchyards, younger cemeteries and more recent memorial parks, gardens and natural burial sites are running short of space to meet this last commitment with dignity. Within...

Enzygo hosts an environmental design challenge for Diana Award students from Stocksbridge High School Following on from the successful completion of the Diana Award mentoring scheme at Stocksbridge High School, Matt Travis and Steve Frazer from Enzygo Sheffield Office invited students into their office for a...

Summer holidays! With winter now hopefully on the wane, many people are busily making detailed plans for warm sunny weather. But they are planning in different ways. Brexit uncertainties, a slow recovery from the 2008 financial crisis, a weak pound, inflation, rising interest rates and long...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jNFzZ6vgLVI The Source Academy - Enzygo Apprenticeship Case Study ...

Matt Travis and Steve Frazer mentoring children at Stocksbridge high school for the Diana Award....

We would all like to know what 2018’s weather is going to be. But we also recognise that what fell out of Britain’s skies yesterday doesn’t tell us much about whether we’ll see the sun tomorrow. Even so, a review of 2017 can help us to...

Enzygo's Matt Travis presenting Dan Hope, head of training at @sfac_uk with £500 from our Christmas Card Donation. Find out about SFAC's work using the links below. Introduction to SFAC https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tQKs66j9Q-g Mick's Story, the founder of SFAC https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_WnKx60UnXw...

Rail’s new renaissance is the exact opposite of Dr Beeching’s infamous 1963 network cuts, plus the tarmac-laying motorway revolution of the 1960s. Low-carbon UK train travel is now in; fossil-fuel powered road transport is very definitely on its way out. This is good in terms of...

Recent calculations by US scientists that hurricane Harvey dropped 127 billion tonnes of water over Texas in August have got me thinking about how much rain and snow could fall on the UK this winter and whether more frequent, erratic, very wet storms are now...