Author: Enzygo

Matt Travis, Director at Enzygo, shares some of his experiences in unlocking complex flood-related development problems and how to avoid development pitfalls. What do you do at Enzygo? Enzygo is a multi-disciplinary environmental consultancy specialising in providing technical services to the built environment sector ( We work...

As autumn nights grow longer, infra-red camera technology is capturing the robust bat population, roost and habitat data EPS Licence applications must submit to win swift approval from Natural England for many late-season property projects to go ahead. This crucial information used to be hard to...

The new law which asks developers to show how biodiversity and habitat losses can be stopped, reversed, boosted, measured and maintained for up to 30 years may seem complex at first but has much-needed housing and infrastructure very much in mind. Does this sound too good...

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Solar power is now proving that it can expand successfully with no state subsidies. After several years of boom, bust and government support – and with plenty of low-cost panels – the sector is en route to becoming 2019’s fastest-growing and potentially cheapest renewable in a highly-competitive UK energy market.