07 Jun Enzygo wins award for plan-making
We are pleased to confirm that last night Enzygo won the Award for plan-making for our Harborough District Council “Cemetery and Burial Strategy for the Future” study at the 2018 Planning Awards at Savoy Place in London.
Another very good night for Enzygo and congratulations to Lee and Beth.
A great result for Enzygo, and thanks to Nigel at Barking Dog for his support with the project submission for the awards.
Judges comments:
With the two certainties of death and taxes this strategy underpins a clear decision by Harborough DC to tackle the impacts of the former from the receipts of the latter. Great foresight at work which must now become more widespread.
This is a very unusual and forward thinking plan which should be recognised. For the specific area it is clearly making a significant contribution. Within the wider scheme of economic, environmental and social sustainability this seems to address, however, only a rather small, specialist aspect.
Very different but very important social infrastructure plan that frankly could be held up as an exemplar for other LA’s to follow.
Am also trying to get access the interview video footage taken on the night and will keep you posted.
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