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Enzygo continues to support Friends of Rwandan Rugby charity and the great work they do. By teaching and playing rugby they encourage a healthy, active lifestyle for children in Rwanda and promote the rugby ethos of fair play, respect, friendship and fun. In partnership with the...

Whatever your political leaning, the proposed Towns Fund grants represent a huge opportunity for sustainable regeneration with green recovery principles at its heart. Designed to inject new life into smaller communities, the joined-up goals are economic, social, cultural and environmental. The Government believes that older population...

Can we protect our cities, rivers and flood plains from damaging climate-driven rainstorms? Yes, through a new approach to urban landscaping with multi-layered solutions that slow, store, filter and turn storm-water into a resource for irrigation, new habitats and community spaces. Green roofs are an...

Enzygo secured planning consent for the demolition of the former Creswell Leisure Centre, on Duke Street, Creswell, Derbyshire, a non-designated heritage asset set within the town centre Creswell Conservation Area, with full planning permission for a retail unit (A1) of 277m² (A1) and an additional...

Enzygo continues to support Friends of Rwandan Rugby and there great work. A charity that uses rugby to encourage a healthy, active lifestyle for children in Rwanda and promote the rugby ethos of fair play, respect, friendship and fun. In November 2020 schools in Rwanda gradually opened...

Creating a South Yorkshire Freeport will help to boost regional enterprise, UK prosperity, ‘level up’ Britain, and unlock vital environment solutions in the ‘net-zero’ battle against climate change. Is that a bold statement? Yes, probably. But, as I would like to explain, it’s also very realistic...