Ground Investigation for a Residential Development

Wrecclesham Hill, Farnham 23 March 2018

Kirkby Homes (Sunningdale) Limited were seeking to redevelop a former factory and bus depot site in Farnham, Surrey for high quality residential houses with associated domestic gardens and infrastructure. Re-development of former industrial land afforded the opportunity to regenerate the site and bring it back into productive use.

Wreccleshall Hill before
Wreccleshall Hill after
What We Did

Enzygo Geoenvironmental Ltd undertook a desk study and ground investigation at the site which identified the presence of hydrocarbons associated with a former tank together with compounds associated with the sites historic industrial legacy.

Site History:
Wreccleshall Hill site historyWreccleshall Hill site history 2

To ensure that risks were fully identified, a Detailed Quantitative Risk Assessment (DQRA) was undertaken by Enzygo Geoenvironmental Ltd, together with a detailed remediation strategy to safely allow development of the site.

The DQRA and remediation strategy were agreed with the local planning authority and have been incorporated in to the sites re-development.

What We Achieved

By combining the skills of our geo-environmental and hydrogeological teams we were able to provide a robust remediation strategy to allow safe development of the site but also manage costs and uncertainty through the construction process. Through the integration of technical services, the remediation works were effectively combined with the requirements for sub-structure and infrastructure design.

Wreccleshall Hill current site

Further Work

We will continue to work closely with this client during the remediation and development process.

Wreccleshall Hill 1Wreccleshall Hill 2