Planning Permission for Re-Grading of Agricultural Land

Land off Newton Lane, Rugby, Warwickshire 13 September 2021

The application site comprised 2.99ha of land located to the west of Newton Lane in Rugby, Warwickshire, laid out as open fields and used for agricultural purposes.

The planning permission obtained for the client comprised the importation of 136,410 tonnes of certified inert material, sourced from a local business, onto the site to regrade the existing land, which is currently steeply sloping and as a result not productive as agricultural land.

The unproductive land had been left as fallow for several years due to extensive waterlogging, and a history of sand and gravel extraction, which had led to the site not being reinstated to previous land levels.


The planning application was accompanied with detailed technical reports that considered the benefits of the scheme and how the local environment would be enhanced and protected.

The planning application demonstrated the site was suitable for the proposed development and accorded with all the relevant policies of the adopted Local Plan for Warwickshire County Council (2013 – 2038) and the Rugby Borough Local Plan (2019), and the NPPF.

Following submission of the planning application, Enzygo engaged in extensive post-submission liaison with the Local Planning Authority, including minor technical revisions to the scheme, resulting in a positive outcome for the client.

Enzygo delivered a land regrading scheme that both levelled and improved the quality of the agricultural field, bringing an underused and uneconomical piece of farmland back into functional use to enhance the output of an established farm business.


Enzygo secured planning permission for the re-grading of agricultural land at Coton Farm, at land off Newton Lane, Rugby, Warwickshire, having successfully obtained consent at Planning Committee.
The consent enables the client, a family farm business of many generations, to positively regrade the existing agricultural land, to create a relatively flat finished surface level, and commence the growing of successful crop yields.

Newton Lane Planning Permission for Re-Grading of Agricultural Land

Newton Lane - Site Photo