Residential Development

Land at Low Valley Farm, Pitt Street, Barnsley 22 October 2020

The proposal was for outline planning permission for a residential development of up to 107 dwellings including; internal circulation roads, structural planting and landscaping, an attenuation basin, a children’s play area and a footpath. All matters reserved except the location of the vehicular access.

Pitt Street Residential Development - Photograph 1Pitt Street Residential Development - Photograph 2

What We Did

Enzygo was tasked with the preparation and submission of the outline planning application.

We prepared and submitted technical assessment in respect of hydrology, ecology (including bat surveys), geo-environmental, transport, statement of community involvement and planning (including an affordable housing statement).

We project managed the application to ensure all technical requirements and planning constraints were understood by all partners and negotiated with Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council to resolve all issues to ensure a positive recommendation was secured.

Pitt Street Residential Development - Site Layout

The site was partly allocated for residential development in the Local Plan. The land to the west is safeguarded for future residential development. The layout was developed to make good use of the space within the defined site boundary. Key to this was the attenuation pond being located in the safeguarded land, this allowed additional plots to be secured to improve the value of the site to the client.

From the outset, we recognised the potential constraints and opportunities of the site to ensure the proposed development would secure support from Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council, address statutory consultees and all stakeholders.

Through engagement with the Local Authority at an early stage, and throughout the application, we established a positive relationship with the Council, this enabled the application to be progressed promptly, even through the start of the Covid-19 pandemic lock down.

What We Achieved

The granted scheme (subject to S106) represents a well thought out development that will provide much needed residential dwellings to Darfield.

The development enables safeguarded land to be used for infrastructure provision to enable more dwellings to be secured within the site boundary, which in turn increases the value of the planning permission.

A geo-physical survey was undertaken to establish the archaeology value of the site, allowing a condition to be used for future investigation.

There were concerns raised about the suitability of the access. To demonstrate the access was safe, a speed survey was undertaken along with a Road Safety Audit, which allowed the highway authority to support the application.

Ecology improvements were proposed throughout the development to deliver improved green infrastructure. An example of this was establishing an attractive footpath which connected nearby houses to Nethermoor Academy. This enabled a net gain in biodiversity to be delivered on the site.

The close, positive working relationship with the Council and all stakeholders enabled the benefits of the proposed development to be fully understood, and ensured any concerns were addressed quickly, which enabled the application to be supported, and planning permission granted (subject to the S106 being executed).

Enzygo continue to maintain a close working relationship with the client, and are able to utilise the experience gained through this application to take forward similar developments across the region, obtaining similar positive outcomes.