Enzygo, a rapidly-growing UK environmental and planning consultancy group of companies, has opened a Cardiff office to help end some of South Wales' persistent industrial legacy problems. After started life with three employees 15 years ago, the company has steadily expanded its workforce to 60 today...

Our job may be to create and deliver bespoke technical solutions designed to minimise, adapt to, or bounce back quickly from a dangerous increase in environmental problems. However, our business currency is information - and its value is linked to the adept use of good...

Merry Christmas! With luck, a kind chilly season that pushed the mercury unusually high in a wet November will help us through this year’s expensive energy crisis so that we can celebrate with both warmer temperatures and spirits. That is probably overly optimistic, but here’s...

Many neglected and abandoned industrial landscapes are being returned to commercial use. They include Britain’s former coalfields where identifying and systematically removing risks linked to unstable spoil tips, toxic waste, mine gas, contaminated ground water, and surface subsidence is releasing valuable commercial land. The UK’s five...

When coal was king, enormous spoil heaps scarred Britain’s landscapes from Kent and Wales to the Midlands, Durham and Scotland. Most have been hauled away and reused. Remediation to remove any latent risks standing in the way of regenerating valuable land is often the next...

It might seem odd at a time when politicians and governments are betting their careers and parliamentary majorities on growth to start thinking about the exact opposite – ‘degrowth’. Surely, an expanding economy is always good … isn’t it? Not necessarily, say degrowth advocates (degrowthers) who...

I’m always in favour of better, easier, and more efficient and productive ways of doing things. Which is why I think it is extremely important for us to recognise that emerging artificial intelligence (AI) technologies will almost inevitably become some of our best environmental friends...

Can we afford to relax? Despite numerous crises, many UK holiday-makers have enjoyed their first proper breaks in three years. A growing number, however, are opting to try green sustainable vacations safe within Britain’s international borders … staycations. This raises three questions. The first is can...

On days when the mercury rises dramatically there is no shortage of advice - or ‘hot’ tips - to keep us cool. But that is only part of a more complex picture. In the long-term, how we design future towns, cities, and communities, and modify...