23 Mar Ground Investigation for a Residential Development
Kirkby Homes (Sunningdale) Limited were seeking to redevelop a former factory and bus depot site in Farnham, Surrey for high quality residential houses...
Kirkby Homes (Sunningdale) Limited were seeking to redevelop a former factory and bus depot site in Farnham, Surrey for high quality residential houses...
Civil Engineering Design for customer parking, disabled bays, an uncontrolled crossing point and a combined customer / servicing access arrangement...
Enzygo were retained by Hartwood Estates and Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council (BMBC) with regard to the assessment, flood modelling...
Enzygo undertook a suite of ecological assessments including: Preliminary Ecological Appraisal, Hedgerow & Tree Assessments, River Corridor Survey, Great Crested Newt...
Undertake a hydraulic modelling exercise to determine fluvial flood risk in response to Environment Agency comments...
Prepare a Bespoke Environmental Permit Application for a Flood Risk Activity....
Enzygo were appointed by Firth Steels Ltd to carry out a hydraulic modelling investigation to inform the raising of a flood defence at a steel works ...
The proposal was for two Extra Care Facilities within Leicester, consisting of affordable, independent accommodation and communal facilities for local residents...
The Operator processes food waste by treating and digesting a wide range of waste feedstocks....